Your Forehand
and the Modern Forehand:

A Summary

John Yandell

Is it possible to summarize the modern forehand in one article? You be the judge...

Over the past 4 years we've used the high speed footage from Advanced Tennis to explore the modern forehand in pro tennis in virtually every aspect. Currently there are over a dozen detailed articles in the Advanced Tennis section on the modern forehand. These cover the commonalities and the differences among the top pro players.( Click Here.)

In this new series called "Your Forehand and the Modern Forehand," we've applied everything we've learned to your game and see what pro elements are universal and which are a function of primarily of level of play.

This marks the 12th full article devoted to the beautiful and tremendously dynamic motion we call the forehand. We've covered everything from grip to preparation to hittting arm positions, finishes, wipers and more. Now in this last article, we try to summarize all the components and see what we've learned.

Click play to see and hear A Summary

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John Yandell is widely acknowledged as one of the leading videographers and students of the modern game of professional tennis. His high speed filming for Advanced Tennis and Tennisplayer have provided new visual resources that have changed the way the game is studied and understood by both players and coaches. He has done personal video analysis for hundreds of high level competitive players, including Justine Henin-Hardenne, Taylor Dent and John McEnroe, among others. In addition to his role as Editor of Tennisplayer he is the author of the critically acclaimed book Visual Tennis. The John Yandell Tennis School is located in San Francisco, California.