Understanding Mental Imagery:
Part 2
How valuable can mental imagery be in your development and competitive results? Extremely. But this is something that is rarely understood, discussed, or utilized.
In my book (Click Here) I detail the results of multiple research studies that show conclusively how effective the use of imagery can be, even if that research is not commonly known or put into practice by most players and pros. The use of mental imagery can result in:
Reduction in warm up time
Improved focus
Improved decision making
Reduced anxiety and increased confidence
Greater mental preparation and readiness
Improved technical learning
Improved serving speed, consistency, and accuracy
Improved service return accuracy and consistency
Increased percentage of points won at net
Improved strategy and increased overall points won
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Archie Dan Smith, MD is a retired physician living in Austin, Texas. Here is how he describes his tennis journey, leading to the creation of his work on muscle memory:
"I played for 2 years at my small town high school. For the next 10 years I played a dozen times a year with friends. Then I did not play for decades. About 10 years ago I began to play again. I was a mid-level 3.5 player but I could tell over time my game was slipping.
During this period I came up with and started implementing my theories on muscle memory. I started getting better. Two years ago I won the 3.5 men’s singles division in the long running main City of Austin tournament. I beat a 26 year old in the finals. Now I am recruited by USTA teams that have won regionals, and I play #1 doubles for a team in the Austin Tennis League. I conclude that there may be something to my theory."
Muscle Memory and Imagery: Better Tennis
This book is based on the science of muscle memory. Most practice only reinforces the status quo of the shots we are trying to improve. If you want to win you need techniques to create permanent muscle memory improvements. By practicing differently than you have ever been instructed, you can substantially improve your game. This book tells how.
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