Your Strokes:
Shirish Forehand

John Yandell

An extreme grip, a pretty good turn and the wrong finish.

Recently I had the pleasure of working with a new student on his forehand. Shirish is a long distant pilot for a major airline who has stop overs in San Francisco. He had read my book Visual Tennis (Click Here) and wanted to come work with me directly, and I said great.

He wanted to work on his forehand and so we did. As I always do, I started out by filming him in super slow motion video, and also measuring the speed of his forehand with my pocket radar gun.

Shirish isn’t tall. And the first thing I saw was his extreme western forehand grip. That made sense. Not necessarily what I would teach anyone from the beginning. But not something that I would change either.

So we focused on his key positions that all good forehands share. I am with Brian Gordon that the outside Roger Federer style backswing with a relatively conservative grip is probably the ideal model. But there are many, many players at all levels who have great forehands with other grips and more involved backswings.

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John Yandell is widely acknowledged as one of the leading videographers and students of the modern game of professional tennis. His high speed filming for Advanced Tennis and Tennisplayer have provided new visual resources that have changed the way the game is studied and understood by both players and coaches. He has done personal video analysis for hundreds of high level competitive players, including Justine Henin-Hardenne, Taylor Dent and John McEnroe, among others.

In addition to his role as Editor of Tennisplayer he is the author of the critically acclaimed book Visual Tennis. The John Yandell Tennis School is located in San Francisco, California.

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