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Overview: Notes on Tour

John Yandell

The Pro Tour is the centerpiece of competitive tennis. So much of what we think about the game, how we feel about the game, and what we try to do on the court ourselves comes from our observations of the top players.

We all have opinions. About the players. About the way they play. About the events and about the tour itself. What's the one Slam you most want to attend? Who would you like to watch from the front row in a final? Who inspires you? Who do you dislike? Which commentators enhance watching matches? Which do you wish would never open their mouths again?

Of all the people I've known in tennis over the years, A. J.Chabria is one of the most knowledgeable maybe the most knowledgeable when it comes to understanding all areas of the sport. I'm lucky and proud to have him as a friend. I rely on his opinions, and a lot of the players we've filmed over the years were first brought to my attention by A.J.

So now you can enjoy some of the same benefits in A.J.'s Notes on the Tour. And you're free to start your own dialogue. Basically it's his job to tell us what he sees and what he thinks. I'm hoping that his articles are going to spur a lot of discussion back and forth between A.J. and our subscribers, as well as some other members of our team, like A.J.'s good friends Scott Murphy, Greg Ryan, and Giancarlo Andreani. Check it out!

The only place you can find it is here on Tennisplayer. Click here to Become a Subscriber!